Display work
for Schools
I have produced various work for Malin Bridge Primary School. I designed large installations for the reception areas to fit awkward spaces above the doorways (see left). I have also created new school signs for the buildings, and for the newly integrated Malin Bridge Nursery (see left). In order to create 13 acrylic motivating boards (see left) I contacted a local photographer I had worked with before, and briefed him to give us the requisite images, which appear throughout the school. Spelling stickers were typeset in a variety of ways to liven up the stairways. I worked closely with a local illustrator for the correct images to go on large message boards (see left), which are now hung across both assembly halls.
Bradway Primary School have asked me to help them produce a few different things to brighten up their school and to encourage
the learning messages (see left) that they are instilling in their children in an attractive and exciting way. Having discussed various options with printers at Pinders, and more recently at Word4Word, I have designed and arranged the production of room signage, playground displays, logos for inter-school projects and my most ambitious project to date: interlocking elements to brighten up a busy corridor thoroughfare (see left).